Friday, 2 September 2011

Piper's Llanthony

Llanthony 1940 by Piper

This is the same view that I chose to sketch the West front. In between the 2 towers used to be a large window. The arches visible on the left supported the roof over the nave. The large grey structure was part of the central square tower.

Llanthony 2011 My sketch

 What is interesting is what Piper has left out, namely the details such as the arrow slits to the corner of the nearest tower and  any decoration. He has concentrated on simplifying the building so it becomes a series of monoliths. Colour and contrast are used to create a sense of drama.   

Llanthony 1941 by Piper

In this study the towers have become even more like concrete blocks. The proportions of the tower and the shapes of the arches have been changed, they even appear a little bit face like. Again the emphasis is on colour, contrast and drama.

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